web solutions to help people.


About me

Hi, I’m George Lucas

Fullstack developer
React developer

I’ve 27 years old and I’m graduated bachelor Computer Science. I like so much to discover new things. My main goal using technology is help people to live better.

HTML5 IconCSS3 IconJavascript IconTypescript IconReactJS IconNextJS IconNodeJS IconMySQL IconSASS IconPython IconPHP Icon

My Apps

In here apps developed by me. All the apps are used by people and help them to your needs.


Bíblia Sagrada Check

This app helps people in the reading Bible. In it have daily read, reading plans and random proverbs. It was developed using ReactJS.

Access Here

CDRBite App

This app help to create documents for the accounting area. It was developed using NextJS.

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My work

I've had to learn and developed several different projects using the Javascript, Typescript, ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, and more.

Contact me

Feel free to to contact me any time, through any method below.